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3 Big Questions about Adoption Requirements in Arizona

Anyone Can Choose Adoption for Their Baby

Many prospective birth mothers wonder if there are any adoption requirements in Arizona. You can rest easy knowing that:


  • Anyone can choose adoption for their baby.
  • Once you are sure it’s the path you want to take, there really aren’t any “requirements” to pursue adoption.
  • You will never be judged or turned away because of who you are or the circumstances you’re in.


Whatever you may be going through right now, adoption can be a beautiful and selfless way to give your child the type of life you want them to have (while also giving yourself new opportunities). So, if you were wondering, “Can you put a baby up for adoption in Arizona?” then the answer is yes. For instance, you could already have children, you may be older or you might have medical issues.


No matter what, adoption is always an option.


With over 30 years of experience, American Adoptions of Arizona can help you complete your adoption from start to finish. Throughout those three decades, we have continually refined our adoption screening process, meaning that you have only the best adoptive families to select from. We’ve also put together this guide that answers three big questions about requirements for putting a child up for adoption in Arizona.


If you have any questions as you’re reading, then please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-800-ADOPTION. You’ll speak with one of our trusted adoption professionals, and we would love to help you at any time! You can also get free adoption information now.

1. Who Can Put a Baby up for Adoption in Arizona?

If you have found yourself wondering, “Can I ‘give my baby up’ for adoption in Arizona?” then the answer is yes. Your circumstances will never prevent you from being able to choose adoption for your child. You can still find the right adoptive family for your baby and develop a lifelong relationship with them through open adoption.

For example, Heather and her husband were in a complicated situation when she discovered her unplanned pregnancy. Her husband was in prison, and she was considering adoption when she found our agency.

“I contacted American Adoptions, and they were kind, caring and showed me a great deal of understanding,” she said. “I looked through the profiles that they sent me of waiting adoptive families, and I knew when I saw Gary and Amy’s profile that they were going to be the parents of my baby.”

In other words, there are no real rules of “giving your child up” for adoption in Arizona.

Also, there’s a reason that we use the phrase “give baby up for adoption” in quotes. It’s one of the most common phrases people use when they talk about adoption, and their hearts are likely in the right place. But, this phrase misses the point. When you choose adoption, you aren’t “giving up.” You are giving your child a life of love and opportunity. It’s a brave, selfless and loving decision.

2. What Is Required to “Give a Baby up” for Adoption in Arizona?

When it comes to requirements to put a baby up for adoption in Arizona, the only tangible “requirement” is that you’re 100% confident in your decision to pursue adoption. Once you feel certain that adoption is the right choice for your situation, you won’t need to worry about the qualifications to put a child up for adoption.

If you feel ready to begin your adoption journey today, then American Adoptions of Arizona can help you find the perfect adoptive family for your child. As you browse hopeful adoptive family profiles, be sure to ask yourself questions such as:

  • Do I imagine my baby growing up in an urban, suburban or rural environment?
  • Do I picture my child having any siblings or family pets?
  • What hobbies or interests do I envision my child having?

Remember that you will likely have a “gut” feeling when you’ve stumbled upon the right adoptive parents. That’s how Sara, a birth mother who worked with American Adoptions, felt.

“After a couple of phone calls, we met for the first time on March 31, a day I will never forget,” she said. “The hugs and kisses lasted forever between us, and we just meshed. It felt like I had known them my entire life. I was more confident in my choice – not just in adoption but in picking the perfect couple to raise the baby.”

3. How Do I Start My Adoption Journey Today?

By working with American Adoptions of Arizona, you won’t have to worry about the rules or legalities of “giving a baby up” for adoption. We will connect you with all the right professionals, such as an adoption professional and an adoption attorney. You will also have access to free, 24/7 counseling that can help you process any complicated emotions you may be experiencing. We have worked with many prospective birth mothers, and our experience has taught us that women from all walks of life can choose adoption.

For instance, Candice, a birth mother who worked with us, already had three children when she discovered her unplanned pregnancy. Then, she found the perfect adoptive family for her son.

“Jeff and Amanda are wonderful, and I am so thankful I could give them such a gift,” she said. “We still email, and I get pictures. Our little boy is so handsome. They are amazing parents, and I know my son has a huge family who loves and cares so much for him. I am forever thankful for that. Jeff and Amanda saved my baby’s life! With having three kids already, I know what I needed to do. They deserve a beautiful family, and I am so happy they trusted me to give them that.”


We understand if this is a lot of information to soak in at once. For that reason, we are always a phone call away at 1-800-ADOPTION. When you call, you’ll talk to one of our experienced adoption professionals. We look forward to helping you start your adoption process! If you have any more questions about the requirements to put a baby up for adoption in Arizona, then you can get more free information now.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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