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What Should I Do During the Waiting Period for Adoption in Arizona?

Adoption is a beautiful journey. Although you’ve recently made the loving decision to adopt a child, you’ve probably been thinking about parenting for a long time – possibly even years.

Once the exciting adoption process begins, many hopeful parents wonder, “What are you supposed to do when you’re waiting to adopt a baby in Arizona?”

Start by calling 1-800-ADOPTION and speaking with one of our adoption specialists. We’d love the chance to talk with you about the adoption process and to help you during your journey.

You can also keep reading to learn more about waiting for an adoption match in Arizona.

Coping With the Wait of Adoption in Arizona 

As you prepare to welcome your new baby home, it’s important to stay busy while you’re coping with the wait of adoption in Arizona. It can be easy to become stressed and anxious about the waiting process, but proactively planning activities can make an incredible difference in your adoption experience.

Here are just a few of the things you can do when you’re surviving the wait for adoption in Arizona.

Take a Trip

Did you know that some parents take a trip before they welcome their first baby to their family? This is called a “babymoon.” It can be fancy or simple. It just means that you take a trip together before your child is born. This is something you can do whether you are a single parent or part of a couple.

Some possible babymoon ideas include:

  • Visiting a place that holds a special meaning to you
  • Visiting a place that could be tricky to travel to after your baby arrives
  • Spending a weekend exploring a new city you’ve never been to
  • Going camping and enjoying some time outdoors
  • And more

There is no “right” or “wrong” way to plan a babymoon. The most important thing is that you focus on reducing your anxiety as you deal with the stress of waiting to adopt in Arizona.

Spend Time With Loved Ones

Make sure you don’t neglect your important friendships and relationships during this time. As you learn to manage the stress of waiting to adopt in Arizona, it’s a good idea to spend time with your friends and family. You can hang out, go on walks together or even plan some meals to share.

The most important thing is that you stay busy and maintain your normal routine as much as possible. Sometimes, the stress of waiting to adopt in Arizona is exacerbated by all of the different tasks you have to complete during the adoption process, such as your home study. Experiencing a sense of normalcy by pursuing your normal interests can be very helpful and beneficial.

Prepare Your Home

If you’re the type of person who likes to keep busy, one way you can deal with the adoption waiting process in Arizona is by preparing your home as much as possible before your child arrives.

Chances are that you have some projects you’ve been waiting to finish. Why not get started on those while you’re in the adoption waiting process in Arizona? Sometimes physically working to do things like babyproof your home or finishing the nursery can help with the adoption waiting process in Arizona.

Emotions of Adoption

As you’re in the adoption waiting process in Arizona, you might be feeling a lot of different emotions.

This is normal.

One of the most difficult things about the adoption waiting period in Arizona is learning to deal with the different feelings you might be experiencing.

Adoptive families who are in the adoption waiting process in Arizona might feel:

  • Anxious
  • Nervous
  • Depressed
  • Sad
  • Excited
  • Frustrated
  • Annoyed

You might feel a few or all of these emotions. You might even experience some that aren’t on the list! You might experience one emotion when you’re waiting to math with a potential birth mother and another when you’re waiting for ICPC.

None of these emotions are “wrong” or “bad.” They are, however, often difficult to deal with.

One of the benefits of working with American Adoptions to facilitate your adoption is that our team can help you cope with the many emotions you might experience during the adoption waiting process in Arizona.

When you choose American Adoptions as your adoption professional, you’ll be assigned an adoption specialist. This person will help support you throughout your adoption journey. They’ll explain the different steps of adoption to you and help you create a plan for moving through each of those steps.

Your adoption specialist will also encourage you on your journey.

Adoption is a very exciting experience, even though it can feel overwhelming sometimes. Your adoption specialist knows and understands this. In fact, many of our adoption specialists are experienced birth mothers, adoptive parents and adoptees themselves.

If you’re ready to talk with someone about getting started with adoption and how you can handle the adoption waiting process in Arizona, you can call our team anytime by dialing 1-800-ADOPTION.

You can also reach out directly through our website for additional information.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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