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How Does Adopting a Child Work in Arizona?

Have you considered starting or growing the family you always wanted through adoption? If so, you’ve probably wondered, “How does adopting a child work in Arizona?”

Adoption is an exercise in love and hope, and you deserve to experience the joy of holding a newborn baby in your arms. If you’re ready to take the next step towards growing your family, it’s normal to ask, “How can I adopt a child in AZ? If you’re trying to find out how to adopt a child in Arizona, you’re in luck because we can help.

At American Adoptions, we are dedicated to helping hopeful parents like you reach your adoption dreams. We’ve assisted more than 13,000 families in successful adoptions, and we want you to feel safe, confident and hopeful all along the way. Our adoption specialists are available 24/7 to answer questions, and you can call 1-800-ADOPTION or complete our online form today to get started.

For now, let’s take an in-depth look at how to go about adopting a child in AZ if you’re a prospective adoptive parent.

“How Do I Adopt a Child in Arizona?” [7 Steps]

Adopting a child can be the start of a fulfilling journey into parenthood for many hopeful parents who wish to build a family of their own. But how can you adopt a child in Arizona, and where do you start?

If you’re wondering how to adopt a child from another family in AZ, you’re in luck. In this guide, we can help you answer that question and get the information you need to get the process underway. Keep reading below to learn how to adopt someone else’s child in Arizona in only 7 steps.

Step 1: Identify the Right Agency for You

The first, and arguably the most important, step in finding out how to legally adopt a child in AZ is determining which adoption professional will best serve your needs and help you build the family you’ve always dreamed of having. This decision is critical because your chosen adoption agency holds the future of your family in their hands.

There are many things you should look for when deciding which agency is right for you, but many prospective adoptive families find they need to look no further than American Adoptions if you want to find out how to adopt a child in AZ. Our national adoption agency is fully licensed, and we offer reduced wait times for an adoption opportunity, transparent pricing, contracts that do not expire, and a 96% success rate.

When making your agency choice, it’s important to note that not all agencies are alike. Some are local in scope, which can lead to longer wait times and fewer choices. Others, such as adoption centers, may only offer matching services, then leave you to fend for yourself for the other services needed to finalize an adoption. Some are just plain dishonest about pricing and practices when working with waiting parents who want to learn how to adopt a child in AZ.

However, many prospective adoptive parents find that American Adoptions is the best choice because we offer a comprehensive range of services to prospective parents. You get everything you need to complete an adoption within a single organization. In AZ, we’re even licensed to perform adoption home studies. To learn more about our domestic adoption program, click this link.

Step 2: Unlock Comprehensive Adoption Agency Services

If you’re learning how to adopt a child in Arizona, you’ll benefit from a full range of services when you choose American Adoptions. Our families experience a 96% adoption success rate, largely because we’re a fully licensed agency offering accurate wait time estimates and contracts that never expire. That translates to a lower overall cost and expedited adoption process.

Some of the services you can expect to receive from our adoption agency include:

You can rest assured that when you’re working with our agency, we’ll walk you through learning how to adopt a child in AZ, and we’ll be with you throughout your adoption journey. We also offer an industry-leading financial protection program. If an adoption opportunity doesn’t pan out, the money you have already invested will not be in jeopardy. You won’t find that guarantee with any other adoption agency, and we’ve saved families more than $4.6 million since 2009.

Finding an agency that offers comprehensive services and putting them to use on your adoption journey will result in a smoother adoption experience and an increased chance of success. Unlike many other professionals who can only do one part of the process, we’re here to help you learn everything you need to know about how to adopt a child in AZ.

Step 3: Complete the Adoption Home Study Process

An important part of how to adopt a child in Arizona involves the adoption home study required by law for every hopeful family. The adoption home study is performed by a licensed home study provider and is the way that adoption professionals and the state confirm that a prospective adoptive family is truly ready to adopt a child.

The adoption home study in Arizona includes:

  • Submission of required documentation such as birth certificates, marriage documents, immigration papers, and other legal paperwork
  • A background check on everyone who resides in the adoptive household
  • An in-home interview with members of the adoptive family
  • A home inspection is designed to ensure the physical premises are safe for a child

Fortunately, American Adoptions can help with this key piece of the adoption process. We are licensed as a home study provider in the state, which means we can not only help you prepare for the home study, but we can perform it, as well. Having all these services offered within the same organization can streamline the process and help keep your overall adoption cost down.

Step 4: Create an Adoption Profile and Go Through the Wait Time

When determining how to adopt a child in AZ, a key part of the success of your adoption experience is creating an adoption profile.

The adoption profile serves as the gateway to your adoption journey. It’s how many expectant women considering adoption find prospective adoptive families to raise their child. Therefore, when learning how to adopt a child in AZ, it’s important to remember there’s a direct relationship between the way your adoptive family profile is marketed and a shorter wait time.

Again, American Adoptions offers industry-leading marketing that allows more expectant birth mothers to see your adoptive family profile. Not only do we advertise to expectant women nationwide, but we also offer 12x more marketing than other leading adoption agencies. That’s a big reason why our families experience honest wait times of an average of 12 months.

Step 5: Getting and Accepting an Adoption Opportunity

One of the most exciting parts of finding out how to adopt a child in AZ occurs when an expectant birth mother sees your family profile and decides you’re the family she wants to raise her child. When you receive the phone call telling you an expectant birth mother has chosen you, it will be a moment of sheer joy for you and your entire family.

You deserve to have the family you’ve always dreamed of having, and every child deserves a stable, loving home and a family that can provide them with a future rich in opportunity. That convergence is one of the beautiful parts of finding out how to adopt a child in Arizona, and it can be a true reason to celebrate.  

Step 6: Learning More About the Birth Parents

One thing to remember when learning how to adopt a child in AZ is that most adoptions are open these days. At American Adoption, we strongly encourage both birth parents and adoptive parents to embrace the beauty of open adoption because it’s a great thing, and it benefits everyone in the adoption triad.

The benefits of open adoption include:

  • Birth parents feel confident in their decision
  • Birth parents feel fewer feelings of grief in loss because their relationship with their child can continue
  • Adoptive parents get access to important background information, like medical history, about their child
  • Adoptees can ask questions about their adoption, so they won’t have to search for answers in the future

Unlike many “match and release” adoption professionals, American Adoptions won’t leave you to your own devices when it comes to building this rewarding long-term relationship. Your adoption specialist will be there to guide you through the open adoption relationship. That’s important to consider when learning how to adopt a child in AZ and another reason that American Adoptions is the best agency around.

Step 7: Open Your Home and Family to Your New Child

The most momentous day in your journey of finding out how to adopt a child in Arizona is the day the child is placed in your home. It’s at this moment that the long adoption process takes on new meaning. It’s all worth it because you’ll finally get to have the family you’ve always dreamed of having. After adoption finalization, your child will be yours forever.

It’s simply impossible to describe what it feels like to hold your baby in your arms for the first time. It’s the culmination of your adoption journey, in which all the effort, challenges, and planning condense into one magical moment. Over almost three decades, we have helped more than 13,000 families successfully adopt. We’d be honored to help you build the family you’ve always wanted, too.

Why American Adoptions is The Best Adoption Agency for You

Maybe you’re still unsure about how to adopt a child in AZ. Fortunately, you can take comfort in knowing that working with American Adoptions means you’ll enjoy a smooth adoption experience. As the best national private adoption agency, American Adoptions leads the industry with benefits like:

  • Full range of in-house needed adoption services from licensed adoption social workers
  • Bigger staff that are accessible around the clock
  • 9-12 month wait times 
  • 100% financial protection for our active families and transparent, accurate fees
  • Bigger marketing and advertising budgets so that you don’t have to wait to become a mom and dad

Thanks to these benefits (and many others), hundreds of families successfully complete adoptions with our agency each year. Again, we’ve assisted more than 13,000 families with their infant adoptions, and we want to provide our industry-leading support throughout your adoption experience.

Closing Thoughts on How to Adopt a Child in Arizona

If you think you now know how to adopt a child in AZ, that’s wonderful news! It’s time to contact an adoption agency and get the process underway.

We’d love to help you throughout the adoption process, as our fully licensed, highly trained adoption specialists aren’t just social workers. They’re also adoptees, birth parents, and adoptive parents themselves, so they know exactly how to help you get through the process.

To speak with a professional today, call 1-800-ADOPTION or complete our free online form to get started today.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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