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Why Do People Adopt in Arizona?

When you’re considering ways to grow your family, you might be wondering, “Why adopt in Arizona?”

There are many reasons to make the loving decision to adopt a child, but sometimes hearing from people who have experienced adoption firsthand can help.

Owner and founder of American Adoptions, Scott Mars, reflects back on his own adoption by saying, “My parents adopted me when I was 10 days old. Before I was adopted, my mom had six miscarriages in seven years. My parents adopted me because they did not want to miss out on the joy only a child can provide. Every day I realize how important I am to my parents. The fact that I was adopted doesn’t matter. It is simply another way to become a parent.”

To Scott’s family, adoption was an incredible experience. It meant that Scott had the chance to grow up with parents who not only loved him but who were ready for parenting.

Families make the decision to adopt a child for many reasons. 

You might be considering adoption if you:

  • Have experienced infertility
  • Are unable to become pregnant safely
  • Are a single adult who wants to start a family
  • Are an LGBTQ couple
  • Want to help provide a loving home for a child who needs one

As you can see, there are endless reasons why people adopt children in Arizona.

If you’re considering adoption as a way to build your family, reading adoptive family testimonials is one of the best ways you can discover reasons to adopt in Arizona. Exploring reasons that other families chose adoption can help you decide if it’s right for you, too.

Why Do People Adopt Children in Arizona?

As you consider your options for family-building, you might be looking for good reasons to adopt a child in Arizona.

The good news is that there are many reasons for adoption in Arizona.

No two families are completely alike, so each family considers adoption for a different reason.

One adoptive couple, Natasha and Cameron, weren’t completely sure what to expect when they started considering adoption.

The couple tried to conceive a child for seven years before turning to adoption.

Their journey wasn’t completely straightforward. In fact, they experienced several adoption disruptions that made the process emotionally challenging.

“If anyone asked me, ‘I’m thinking about adoption. What was your journey like?’ I don’t think I could make it sound flowery and sugarcoat it,” Natasha says. “I wouldn’t say, ‘No; you shouldn’t do it,’ but it’s definitely not for the faint of heart at all.”

As you consider reasons to adopt a child in Arizona, it may help to remember that each adoption experience looks different. Some families match with a birth mother almost immediately, while others may wait a bit longer. Despite the challenges that come with adoption, the end result will be well worth it. Natasha and Cameron’s story shows that.

“Everyone always said this to us: When the opportunity that comes to you comes to you — the one that is supposed to work — you just know,” Natasha says. “I don’t know if there’s anything anyone could have said to me or to us that would have resonated after multiple disruptions. I don’t know if there’s anything anyone could have said that I would have been like, ‘I’ll just hold onto that, and that will get me through.’”

Keep in mind that when you choose American Adoptions to help you with your adoption, you’ll be financially protected if an adoption disruption does occur.

We also work with our adoptive families and potential birth mothers to help reduce the chances of a disruption occurring by offering 24/7 phone support and emotional counseling throughout the adoption process.

Another adoptive couple, Paul and Mike, knew right away that they wanted to adopt. Each of them grew up with family members who had been adopted, so they understood going into the process that it wouldn’t always be easy.

Still, they have some advice for hopeful adoptive families wondering why to adopt a child in Arizona – and what to expect throughout the process.

“Trust in your birth parent specialists to vet the prospective birth mother throughout the process. They have your best interest at heart and will be looking out for all those warning signs,” Paul recommends. “You don’t have to do it yourself; let the professionals do it. You’ll drive yourself crazy otherwise.”

One of the most important reasons to consider working with an adoption agency throughout your domestic private adoption is that you’ll have a team supporting you throughout your journey.

More Reasons to Choose Adoption in Arizona

If you’re searching for even more reasons for adopting a child in Arizona, it’s time to call American Adoptions to talk about the pros and cons of adoption.

We provide:

  • 24/7 emotional support and counseling for birth mothers
  • Financial protection for adoptive families
  • Financial support for birth mothers, including help paying rent and affording healthcare
  • Guidance throughout the adoption process
  • And more

Here at American Adoption, our team understands each part of the adoption process.

In fact, we have team members who are adoptees, as well as birth parents and adoptive families.

We’d love the chance to talk with you about adoption and what you can expect throughout the process. Call 1-800-ADOPTION now to speak with someone directly, or you can fill out our convenient online form if you’d like us to contact you. 

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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