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Can a Minor "Give a Child up" for Adoption in Arizona?

Anyone Can Choose Adoption

Facing an unplanned pregnancy as a teenager can be stressful. You can rest assured that you have options at your disposal. Here’s what you need to know:



Also, through open adoption, you can build a lifelong bond with both your child and their adoptive family. Adoption isn’t goodbye; it is simply “see you later.” We have also worked with many teenage prospective birth mothers. So, if you were wondering, “Can a minor ‘give a child up’ for adoption in Arizona?” then the answer is yes.


Patricia, a birth mother who worked with American Adoptions, was 19 when she discovered her unplanned pregnancy.


“I was scared, being I was only 19 and on my second pregnancy,” she said. “I sat for about two hours just thinking about what I should do. I talked to the father, and we both agreed on adoption. I called another adoption company first and then American Adoptions, and I instantly fell in love with Felicia Pham. She was so caring, and I felt I could trust her with anything.”


Remember, you are never alone. Teenage pregnancy is more common than you would think, which means there are plenty of resources available for you. When it comes to adoption for teenage pregnancy in Arizona, our agency can help you complete your adoption process from start to finish. We’ve also put together this guide that explains what you need to know as a teenager considering putting a baby up for adoption.


If you have any more questions as you’re reading, then please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 1-800-ADOPTION. We would love to help you at any time! Also, you can get more adoption information now. In the meantime, continue reading to learn more about choosing adoption as a minor.


How to Put a Baby up for Adoption If You Are a Teen in Arizona

If you are wondering, “How does a teenager ‘give a baby up’ for adoption in Arizona?” then you should know that adoption is not going to be any different just because you are younger. You will follow the same steps that an adult would, and you will be in complete control of your adoption plan from start to finish.

But, American Adoptions of Arizona will do all the heavy lifting. You will talk with your adoption professional about what you want out of the adoption, and we can make it happen. In other words, you get to call all the shots, and we’ll guide you every step of the way. Here are some of the benefits we’ll provide for you:

Our agency also has more than 30 years of experience. Over those three decades, we have continually refined our adoption screening process. This means that you have only the best adoptive families to select from! Are you ready to begin your adoption journey today? Call us at 1-800-ADOPTION to get started whenever you feel comfortable.

FAQs about Adoption for Teenage Pregnancy in Arizona

As a teenager considering putting a baby up for adoption, you likely have a lot of questions. That is completely normal! We understand that you may feel overwhelmed right now, so we assembled this section with some FAQs about adoption for teenage pregnancy in Arizona.

How Do I Tell My Family about My Adoption Decision?

It can be stressful to talk to your family about your unplanned pregnancy. This can especially be true if you’re a teenager who lives at home with your parents or other family members. Although this can be a difficult conversation to have, it could be important to you that you and your parents are on the same page. But, according to the Guttmacher Institute, you can pursue adoption in Arizona without parental consent.

Can You Put a Baby up for Adoption If the Father Is Underage in Arizona?

If you are a minor considering adoption, then the baby’s father could be underage, too. But, you can rest easy knowing that the birth father’s age won’t affect your adoption experience. You may have to tell the birth father about your adoption plan, but, if you think this may be a dangerous situation, then your adoption professional can tell them for you through a letter or email.

If You “Give Your Baby up” for Adoption as a Minor in Arizona, Could You Get Them Back?

Once the adoption is complete, you won’t have any parental rights for your child, so you will not be able to get them back. But, this does not mean that you will never see your child or their adoptive family again. The vast majority of adoptions today are open, so you can stay in touch with them through:

  • Letters
  • Emails
  • Texts
  • Phone calls
  • Video chats
  • In-person visits
  • Or whatever way you feel comfortable

Candice, a birth mother who worked with American Adoptions, still maintains contact with her child and his adoptive parents through open adoption.

“Jeff and Amanda are wonderful, and I am so thankful I could give them such a gift,” she said. “We still email, and I get pictures. Our little boy is so handsome. They are amazing parents, and I know my son has a huge family who loves and cares so much for him. I am forever thankful for that. Jeff and Amanda saved my baby’s life! With having three kids already, I know what I needed to do. They deserve a beautiful family, and I am so happy they trusted me to give them that.”


To learn more about adoption for teenage pregnancy in Arizona, we are always a phone call away at 1-800-ADOPTION. You’ll speak with one of our experienced adoption professionals, and we would love to help you at any time. You can also get more free information now.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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