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Reasons Why Adoption is a Good Thing in AZ

If you want to build a family, adoption provides a great way to do it. When you choose to adopt, you’re starting an amazing journey. One of the good things about adoption in Arizona is that your journey will be your own, and it will be a beautiful thing.

If you’re seeking reasons why adoption is a good thing in AZ or wondering, “Is adoption a good choice for me?” you should know we want to help. You can speak with one of our compassionate professionals today by calling 1-800-ADOPTION or completing our free online form.

Below, this guide will help you answer a key question all hopeful adoptive families must answer: is it good to adopt a child in Arizona? Keep reading for some common reasons growing families choose to adopt.

What are the Top 14 Reasons Why Adoption is a Good Thing in AZ? 

There are many reasons why adoption is a good thing in AZ, but the list below is not inclusive. Every adoption experience is different, and you may have your own unique reasons for choosing it. However, seeing why others have chosen adoption may help you make your decision.

Read below for 14 good reasons that hopeful parents choose adoption.

1. You’ve battled infertility and been unable to have a biological child.

Some couples seeking to build a family find themselves wondering why adoption is good in AZ after struggling with infertility. Infertility is actually one of the more common factors that lead hopeful parents to choose adoption. You may have even undergone infertility treatments, but if the treatments don’t work, adoption can provide an avenue to family growth.

Lindsey and Michael had a similar experience and worked with American Adoptions to bring their dreams to life. The couple experienced a miscarriage, then went through the IVF process but never got the desired results. They found their perfect path to parenthood through adoption with the help of our American Adoptions team.

“I just wish I had known it wasn’t as daunting as I thought it would be,” Lindsey says. “I’m glad everything happened the way it did because we were matched with our son, and I feel like it was meant to be.”

Infertility isn’t the end of the road for your dreams of building a family. Adoption can be the answer when you desire to become a mom and dad. It lets you give a child a life full of love and opportunity while offering an expectant birth mother a chance of preserving her own future. Adoption is heroic, and you can begin that life-changing journey today.

2. You have a medical condition that makes pregnancy and delivery dangerous.

Is adoption a good thing in AZ if you’re medically unable to carry a pregnancy to term? For some women with medical conditions, pregnancy and delivery can be dangerous and can even endanger the life of a child. Adoption gives families a way to build a family despite dangerous medical conditions.

3. You want to prevent passing on inherited genetic disorders or diseases.

Another the reason why adoption is good in AZ is that adopting may prevent the passing on of genetic disorders to children. Even when hopeful parents can have biological children, they may be concerned that their child may be born with inherited conditions. In that case, they may choose to adopt instead.

4. You’re a single parent wishing to start a family.

Do you want to parent but don’t have a partner? If that’s your situation, is adoption a good choice in AZ? The answer may be yes. Instead of going through fertility treatments to have a child, you may consider whether adoption offers a better way for you.  

Adoptive parent Kelli knew that being a single parent can be challenging but adopting through American Adoptions gave her the additional help and support she needed.

“I knew it was going to be hard,” Kelli remembers. “It was a lot of work, but I wouldn’t change anything… The biggest thing about American Adoptions had the social work aspect for me and the mom; that’s the big picture her.”

5. You’re in a same-sex couple who wants to raise a kid.

In AZ, why is adoption good for LGBTQ couples who want to start a family? Because it lets LGBTQ couples unable to have a biological child have the opportunity to become parents. Through adoption, you can experience parenting by opening your home through adoption.

6. You feel compelled to provide a stable, loving home for a child in need of one.

When you adopt, what you’re really doing is providing a safe, loving and supportive environment for a child in need of one. This may be the most benevolent reasons why adoption is good in Arizona. Adoption is about providing love and hope, and you can be sure when you adopt, you’re giving a child the family they deserve.

7. You want to help a pregnant woman keep her own dreams for the future alive.

Most expectant birth mothers have other plans for their lives that have nothing to do with raising a child. Some just may not have the resources needed to raise a kid. One of the good things about adoption in AZ is that you get to help a woman in a difficult situation reclaim her future by completing school or attaining professional goals.

8. You wish to help a friend or family member who is unable to raise a child right now.

Number 8 on our list of reasons why adoption is good in AZ is that it lets you help a friend or family member who is pregnant but not ready to raise a kid. It’s an act of love and charity. It also lets you build your family, making adoption from a friend or family member a situation that truly benefits everyone.

9. You want to help an older child in the foster system in need of a permanent family.

Over 400,000 children in foster care in the U.S. are waiting to be adopted. Many have been through traumatic experiences and deserve a loving, supportive family willing to provide them with a permanent home. This is one of the more compelling reasons why adoption is good in Arizona.

10. You wish to give a child from another country a permanent home.

Worldwide, there are approximately 15 million children waiting for an adoptive family through international adoption. Why is adoption good in AZ when you want to open your home to a child from another nation? Every child deserves a family. When you adopt internationally, you’re filling that need and giving a child an opportunity to thrive.

11. You want to pick your child’s gender, race, or ethnicity.

Another one of the most common reasons why adoption is good in AZ is that you may want to choose the gender, race, or ethnicity of your future child. Some agencies allow prospective parents to select those traits, though those preferences sometimes result in longer wait times.

Still, many American Adoptions’ adoptive parents find that being flexible is beneficial. Jeannine and Ryan learned that opening up their preferences in their Adoption Planning Questionnaire (APQ) expedited their search for the perfect match.

“That opportunity to have experienced other cultures — we’ve found that there are so many really amazing and unique things that you find when you open your heart and your mind to people of different races and different cultures,” Ryan says. “It was a natural acceptance.”

12. You’re compelled to adopt an older child instead of an infant.

Are you motivated to adopt an older child instead of an infant? If so, is it good to adopt a child in AZ? If you choose foster care adoption, parents can adopt an older child, a child with special needs, or even a sibling group. In any case, you’ll know you’re providing a child in need the family they deserve.

13. You know someone touched by adoption and know it’s a good way to grow a family.

Do you know someone who has adopted or was adopted? If so, you may already know that one of the good things about adoption in AZ is the kind of impact it has on adoptees, birth mothers, and families. That can be a compelling reason to choose adoption.

14. You were adopted and want to make the same impact on a child’s future.

If you were adopted, you might know one of the reasons why adoption is good in AZ is that it lets you positively impact the life of a child, just as your adoptive parents influenced your future. Adoptees like you understand there’s no difference between the love of biological and adoptive parents. Through adoption, you can give a child the same opportunity you had.

Why is Adoption Good in Arizona? [Closing Thoughts]

This list of reasons why adoption is a good thing in AZ isn’t comprehensive, but it should give you some things to think about when considering adoption. Every adoption is unique, and your own personal reasons for adopting are your own. After all, everyone’s journey is different.

If you’re considering adoption and you’re ready to build a family, American Adoptions can help. You can speak with one of our skilled adoption professionals today by calling 1-800-ADOPTION or completing our online form. We look forward to helping you start your journey whenever you’re ready.  

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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