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What is Domestic Adoption in Arizona?

Domestic adoption in Arizona can be a fulfilling experience for everyone in the adoption triad. In adoption, everyone benefits. Adoptive parents get the family they always dreamed of. Birth mothers get a chance to reclaim their future and move forward from unplanned pregnancies. Adoptees get a life of love and opportunity.

Each year, American Adoptions is a part of the beautiful domestic adoption process in Arizona. Nationwide, we facilitate hundreds of adoptions that benefit birth mothers, adoptive families, and adoptees, and we offer a full scope of services in AZ.

One of our birth mothers, Erika, explains how the support she got from American Adoption professionals during the entire domestic adoption process helped her make a difficult but necessary choice.  

“Even though adoption was the hardest decision I will ever make in my life, American Adoptions also made it the best decision I’ve ever made in my life,” Erika said.

Navigating domestic adoption in Arizona is much easier when you’re guided by a fully licensed adoption agency. We’d be honored to help you find your way. To contact one of our compassionate, highly trained adoption specialists, simply call 1-800-ADOPTION or fill out our free online form.

In this guide below, you’ll find a lot of information about private domestic adoption in Arizona and how it works, so keep reading.

What are the Types of Adoption in Arizona?

There are three types of adoption that prospective adoptive parents can consider when seeking to grow their families. Those three types are foster care adoption, international adoption, and private domestic adoption in Arizona.

Keep reading below to learn a little more about each kind of adoption and what it could mean for your family.

What is Domestic Adoption in Arizona?

In Arizona, private domestic adoption agencies work to match expectant birth mothers with prospective adoptive families in the U.S. It’s sometimes called private domestic adoption in AZ since birth mothers voluntarily choose to place their baby with a hopeful adoptive family that they choose. American Adoptions makes the connection between birth mothers and adoptive families to facilitate this process.

Using a private agency when adopting domestically in Arizona lets you bond with your child from birth. It also gives you a chance to pursue open adoption. Private agencies can be either local or national in scope and reach.

If you’re considering private domestic adoption in AZ, you should know national agencies offer benefits such as:

  • Reduced wait times
  • More accurate fee estimates
  • More comprehensive services
  • More resources dedicated to marketing and advertising
  • Larger staff available 24/7 to meet your needs
  • And much more

Local agencies may provide more in-person meetings and more face-to-face interactions with birth mothers, but working with American Adoptions during the domestic adoption process in Arizona lets you enjoy the best of both worlds. If you’d like to begin your personal adoption journey with American Adoptions, contact an adoption specialist today!

What is International Adoption in Arizona?

International adoption involves the adoption of children of all ages from countries outside the U.S. It’s now the least common form of adoption because of the strict and ever-changing regulations in other countries. That’s one of the reasons there’s been a sharp decline in international adoption in recent years which has made domestic adoption in Arizona a more appealing way to become a parent.

To find a Hague-accredited international adoption, contact the following:

What is Foster Care Adoption in Arizona?

Children in the care of the foster system could have been separated from their family for a variety of reasons. Children in foster care live in foster homes while awaiting possible reunification with their biological parents. However, when that’s not possible, the parental rights of the birth parents are terminated, and the child can be adopted by another family.

Foster care adoption is a good option for families who want to take care of an older child, a child who has special needs, or a child who has experienced some sort of trauma. Foster care adoption is more affordable than domestic adoption in Arizona, but there’s a good chance the child you are adopting won’t be an infant.    

To learn more about foster care adoption in Arizona, contact the following:

What Do Arizona Domestic Adoption Agencies Do?

Our licensed adoption specialists at American Adoptions of Arizona are trained and equipped to support you through the entire AZ domestic adoption process. With American Adoptions, you get empathy, compassion, vast experience, and a wealth of expertise. You won’t need external services to complete your adoption. We’re even licensed to perform adoption home study services in Arizona.

Read below to learn just how we support both hopeful adoptive parents and expectant birth mothers during the domestic adoption process in Arizona.

Providing Education and Expert Guidance

With our agency, you’ll get a comprehensive understanding of the domestic adoption process in AZ. We also offer emotional support as you work through the difficult decisions ahead. Many of our specialists are themselves birth mothers, adoptive parents, and adoptees, so they know first-hand what you’re going through and how to help.

Expectant birth mothers get:

Prospective adoptive parents get:

Connecting Expectant Birth Mothers and Waiting Adoptive Families

American Adoptions in Arizona is committed to creating a great match in your private domestic adoption in AZ so that everyone in the adoption triad (birth mother, adoptive parents, and adoptee) has a beneficial experience.  

Expectant birth mothers get:

Prospective adoptive parents get:

Offering Full Financial Protection and Support

In domestic adoption in AZ, the financial stakes can be high. Adopting an infant can be quite an investment, and at American Adoptions, we understand that. That’s why we strive to support both birth mothers and the adoptive families throughout the domestic adoption process in Arizona. It’s also the reason we extend 100% financial protection to active hopeful adoptive families.

Expectant birth mothers get:

Prospective adoptive parents get:

  • Honest and transparent cost estimates for domestic adoption in AZ
  • Our industry-leading financial protection program protects your financial investment if a disruption occurs
  • Counseling and screening to ensure the birth mother is committed to the domestic adoption process in Arizona.

Independent vs. Agency-Assisted Domestic Adoption in Arizona

Families who pursue private domestic adoption in Arizona can either do so independently or through an agency.  

Opting for an independent adoption may seem to be efficient and less costly, but that’s not always the case. You’ll be responsible for finding an expectant mother considering adoption. You’ll also need an attorney to legally complete the adoption. Independent adoptions can be risky, so it’s wise to be cautious and make sure it’s the right option for you.

Working with an AZ domestic adoption comes with significantly less risk. An agency works with you throughout the domestic adoption process in AZ from beginning to end, so you’ll be sure all requirements are met. Your agency will match you with the perfect adoption opportunity using extensive advertising and networking.

At American Adoptions, we assess your needs and provide you with a candid, transparent estimate of your overall costs. Adoption costs can vary depending on your situation, but we want you to understand what to expect financially. Our comprehensive services and support can give you peace and comfort about the success of your domestic adoption in AZ.

Here are a few examples of the value you get when you work with American Adoptions:

  • Nationwide reach: American Adoptions is a national agency, so we can perform domestic adoption in Arizona or any other state in the country. We partner with prospective birth parents in all 50 states, so we can find you the perfect adoption opportunity with a reduced wait time.
  • Comprehensive adoption services: Your expenses pay for matching services, education opportunities, counseling for prospective birth parents, home study services, and more.
  • Financial Protection Program: Our adoption disruption protection isn’t “rollover insurance.” Our industry-leading financial protection program ensures your adoption investment is secure because if you experience an adoption disruption, you’ll get a direct refund for the funds you invested.

Closing Impressions on Domestic Adoption in Arizona

Ready to begin the domestic adoption process in Arizona today? Great! When you choose to work with American Adoptions, you’ll be taking the first step toward building the family you’ve always dreamed of having, and we want to congratulate you on that.

Speaking with one of our highly trained, compassionate adoption specialists is easy any time, day or night. Simply call our 24-hour hotline at 1-800-ADOPTION or complete our free online form. We’ll be in touch soon to help you begin your personal adoption journey.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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