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Adam & Kimberly
Thank you for looking at our profile. The two of us are fortunate enough that we can provide a safe, enriching, and affirming home where your child will be raised with love, patience, and openness about their adoption story. We know that you have an important decision to make, but we hope that you will consider us to be your child's adoptive parents. We are excited to embark on this journey together with you!
Discussing Adoption
We will always be very open with the child about their adoption. From their earliest days, they will know that they are loved, not just by us, but by their birth family as well. We plan to read to them children's books featuring characters who are adopted, and with topics that center around adoption. We would love to maintain ongoing contact with the birth family to allow them to share their story with the child so they will grow up never questioning who they are, or where they came from. We will talk to the child about the special day that they came into our lives through the adoption process, and we will also equip the child with the understanding of why they were adopted, so that they can explain it naturally to other people.
Our Family Traditions

We love traditions, incorporating ones we grew up with, and also creating new ones specific to our family. Kimberly loves to decorate for the holidays, specifically for Halloween and Christmas. We like to make space in our front room to put up the Christmas tree, wrap the banister in garland and lights, and put up the Christmas village. For Halloween, we set out pumpkins and drape spooky spider webs everywhere, as well as bake Halloween treats. At Easter holiday, Kimberly always sets up a challenging indoor egg hunt for adults and kids.
We also enjoy taking a road trip to see Adam's family in Wisconsin once per year, usually for Thanksgiving or Independence Day. In the fall, we typically travel to northern Michigan to see the fall colors and visit Mackinac Island. At Christmas-time Adam's family loves to bake sugar cookies, and we frost them with different colors of frosting and sprinkles. Kimberly's family loves making Italian pizzelle cookies and has a tradition of a big family meal on Christmas Eve, with a homemade lasagna on Christmas Day. Around New Year's Eve, we all bundle up and head to the zoo to see their lights exhibit.
Our Leisure Time

For our hobbies, Kimberly loves to draw, sing, and crochet. Adam likes to collect rocks and minerals, go bird watching, collect vintage Pokémon cards, and care for his indoor plants. In our leisure time together, we like to play Nintendo Switch video games, and we love playing strategy board games with our friends and family. We often host board game nights at our house. We also like to play Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) with our siblings virtually, as well as watch D&D campaigns that are streamed online. When the weather is nice we take walks outside, and we like to play pickleball. Adam also enjoys going golfing, and playing table tennis. In general, we mostly watch feel-good and animated movies and comedy shows. We are definitely Disney fans. Whenever possible, we will happily take a trip to Disneyland or Disney World. We sing along to Disney soundtracks in the car, and we keep up with the latest movies. We like to attend musicals at the local theater, and we also enjoy going to see improv comedy shows. When the local comic con is going on, we attend dressed-up in costumes as our favorite characters.

Our House and Neighborhood
We live in a mid-size city in Michigan that is home to several colleges, universities, museums, and hospitals. Our city's downtown is about a 10 minute drive from our house, and we love how walk-able and tight-knit it is. Every year they host an art fair, a pride event, and various music and food festivals.
We have a small suburban neighborhood with lots of cultural and racial diversity and strong Asian American and Pacific Islander representation. Most of our neighbors are families with young children that play outside often. Our neighborhood has a tennis court, and a short walk from our house is the local botanical gardens. We love to go there often to explore the indoor conservatory and the outdoor flower gardens and bonsai trees. There are plenty of public parks nearby with walking paths, nature areas, picnic benches and play equipment.
We live in a 2-story, 3 bedroom house with a finished basement. Our bedrooms are all upstairs, and the hallway overlooks the front hall with a banister that we love to decorate around Christmas time. Our favorite rooms to spend time in are our family room and our dining room. The dining room table gets a lot of use as a workspace for craft projects, a place to share a meal together, and also a great spot to play a board game or card game with friends and family. The family room is great for a quiet time spent reading, watching a movie, or playing on the Nintendo Switch.
Our Extended Families

We are both close with our families. The majority of them live within a two hour drive, and we like to visit our parents and siblings often. We also enjoy having regular calls to catch up. Kimberly has two sisters in Oregon and her family plans big vacations every couple of years for everyone to get together. One of Kimberly's sisters is planning to move to our city! We have a nephew that we love to play and run around with, and another one born this year that we got to see and hold at our most recent get-together. We also all stay in touch using family Discord channels to share pictures and announcements.

We have a very loving family, who likes to joke around with each other a lot, and we love to play games. We play a mix of competitive and cooperative board games. We have a D&D campaign we play virtually with Kimberly's siblings. We play cards with Kimberly's grandmother, and we play word games with Adam's family. We always love to have a "pickup puzzle" sitting out to work on with our moms.
Both of our extended families know we are working towards our first adoption, and have all been very supportive. Adam's parents helped us gather pictures for our profile, and Kimberly's family helped take videos of us with our nephew. They all have been sharing encouraging sentiments and we have no concerns that this child will be a cherished part of our family.
From Us to You

Thank you for taking the time to read our profile. We know you are probably overwhelmed with countless decisions to make, and you may not even be sure if adoption is the right choice for you at this point. We want to put your mind and your heart at ease knowing that you cannot make a wrong decision. Whatever you do decide, will be the best decision you can make for you and your child.
A lot of these profiles probably look similar, so we will try to highlight what makes us unique as a couple, and hopefully connect with you in a way that makes you feel comfortable with the concept of us being your child's adoptive parents. We are down-to-earth and approachable people, and we hope to be able to paint that picture for you here.
Adam is such a gentle soul with a genuine smile. He is nurturing, extremely patient, and never gets angry even in the toughest situations. He can find a way to make anyone laugh, and he is also indispensable to have around the house. He cooks meals, cleans, goes grocery shopping, mows the lawn, does the dishes, and laundry… he is great at keeping our house in good order in addition to his full time job as a personal financial planner!
Kimberly is kind, intelligent, trustworthy, and a fun person to be around. She is always helping out others around her, and using her talents to craft stellar engineering designs and beautifully creative artwork. She's always expanding her world views by experiencing other people's stories through movies and shows. There is NEVER a dull moment in our house. We joke around constantly. We have tons of inside jokes, and little songs we have made up for various situations. We love to play games together whenever we get the chance.
We have been married since 2017 and dating since 2014. We have taken that time to grow as a couple through facing life together as truly equal partners. We both have also taken the steps to grow as individuals though therapy and reflection. Additionally, we have been carefully budgeting our resources and preparing a house that will provide a safe and nurturing environment for the child(ren) that we hope to raise here. We are more than ready to be parents and to provide a supportive home for your child where they will grow up knowing that they are loved unconditionally.
We live in a super diverse, affirming, and education-oriented community. We are always learning, and having fun with life. We are excited to share our unique relationship that we have built with a child to form a uniquely awesome family. We are excited to welcome a child into our lives, care for them, listen to them, and comfort them. We look forward to watching them ask questions about the world and finding answers with them together.
We would love to meet you at your comfort-level of openness for this adoption. It would be wonderful to form a relationship with you and for you to maintain a relationship with your child. We will commit to sharing photos and letters throughout your child's life, as well as welcoming phone calls, video calls, and visits. Please consider our family as a safe environment for your child to grow up in, should you choose to proceed with adoption placement.
With all the love, peace, and encouragement we can give, thank you for considering us to be your child's adoptive parents.
Adam & Kimberly
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